
To construct a line segment AB:
  1. Select
  2. Select point A and B

To construct a circle with radius AB and center A:
  1. Select
  2. Select the center (point A)
  3. Select a point that will be on the circle (point B)

There are two ways to construct a point at an intersection.
Option 1:
  1. Select
  2. Select a circle
  3. Select the other circle

Option 2:
  1. Select
  2. Select direcly the area where the two circles intersect

There is one little bug here, it seems like the intersection tools is autoselected, but this is not the case. You really have to click on the intersection tool.
If you are ready, you can go back to level 1. Hint: Don't create random blue points, but create circles from the points that already exist.